Friday, March 7, 2014

Go Green with Green Alternatives to Everyday Products...

Although you can't single-handedly clean up the environment, you can make choices in your everyday life that will benefit the health of the planet and your community. Simple changes, such as finding green alternatives for the everyday products you consume, can have a beneficial impact on water quality, energy use and the amount of pollution and waste you generate.

Personal Care Products

Everyday products such as soaps, toothpastes, cosmetics and hair care items, often contain chemicals that, when washed off during showers and baths, enter the waste-water stream and can pollute the waterways. When purchasing personal care items, read labels carefully. Products with "natural," organic" or "hypoallergenic," on the labels can be misleading, since there little regulation on the use of these terms. Look for products that list fewer ingredients, and ingredients with names that can be pronounced. Green alternatives include avoiding products with synthetic fragrances, and trying to use fewer personal care products overall. (See Reference 1) You can even make many of your own personal care products with natural ingredients. For example, substitute natural, oil-based soaps for commercial shampoos and rinse your hair with plain cider vinegar. Make your own lotions from essential oils and other natural ingredients, such as aloe vera, shea butter and jojoba.

Home Cleaning Products

Homes now contain up to 10 times more pollution than is found outdoors, much of it from the use of cleaning products. In addition to the health risks, these chemical cleaners also harm the environment in their manufacture, use and disposal. (See Reference 2.) Green alternatives to chemical cleaning products are often found in the kitchen. For example, the U.S. EPA's guide to safer cleaning recommends using 4 tablespoons of baking soda to one quart of water for an all-purpose kitchen and bath cleaner. Substitute 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of borax for automatic dishwasher soap. To clean carpets, sprinkle with a mixture of 1 cup of borax and 2 cups of cornmeal, and allow it to stand an hour before vacuuming. Clean hard-surface floors with 1/2 cup of white vinegar in 1/2 gallon of water. (See Reference 3.)

Disposable Paper Goods

Paper and cardboard make up almost 33 percent of solid wastes in landfills, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (See Reference 4.) Cut down on your landfill contribution with greener options for everyday paper products. Opt for cloth napkins over paper napkins, and substitute washable plates and cups for disposable ones. Instead of using paper towels, wipe up spills with re-usable cleaning cloths, and dry windows with clean, lint-free cloths that can be laundered. Carry your work or school lunches in fabric bags rather than disposable paper brown bags. Buy recycled copy paper instead of new, and then use both sides before shredding it and adding it to your compost pile. Instead of buying note pads and drawing paper for children, save junk mail for jotting down notes and paper craft projects.

Food Products

Much of the food Americans eat each day is grown, processed and packaged long distances from their homes. For example, produce may travel as much as 1,500 miles from grower to table. (See Reference 5.) Long “food miles” contribute to fossil-fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions. Green options for many of your everyday grocery store purchases include buying local food whenever possible, shopping farmers’ markets and eating vegetables and fruit when in season. You may be able to shop for beef, free-range chicken and dairy products from growers in your area as well. Organizations such as Local Harvest provide searchable databases for each state and city in the U.S. to help your find nearby food resources in your community and to help you reduce your own "food miles." (See Reference 6).

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